Sad gay movies to watch

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It was over a decade ago that RuPaul’s Drag Race first brought the glamour and fierce fabulosity of drag into living rooms across America. Watch his journey of self-discovery, as he faces challenges at home, adjusts to a new city, and struggles with his sexual orientation in this LGBTQ+ spinoff series. Set in the world of the 2018 film Love, Simon, this Hulu Original series follows a new student at Creekwood High School, Victor. Start streaming these LGBTQ+ shows on Hulu this Pride month and beyond.

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In honor of Pride Month, discover inspiring stories full of love, self-discovery, struggle, success, and fearlessness with these LGBTQ+ shows and movies streaming now on Hulu.įind even more LGBTQ+ content from our Pride Never Stops Hub, including live- coverage of the 2022 Los Angeles and New York City Pride Parades. Whether or not we realize it, the characters portrayed in our favorite shows and movies shape how we see the world-which is why representation is so important.

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